Thank you for seeking the most recent information from Timbercrest Senior Living Community regarding coronavirus and COVID-19. Your Timbercrest Management Team is focused on preventing an outbreak of the coronavirus in our community at its best and limiting a spread of the virus at its worst. We use as guidance information from the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH), the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Our response and steps in preventing the possibility of contagion is based on daily monitoring of these sources. You can find links to the aforementioned agencies as well as archived communications from Timbercrest in the links below.
Timbercrest is committed to providing peace of mind for both residents and their loved ones. If you do not find the information you are seeking, please contact Sabine Thomas at (260) 982-2118 or mailto:[email protected].
Thank you for your partnership and understanding as we navigate these uncharted waters.